
Do get in touch if you are having difficulty getting hold of any of the research publications (you can also try Research Gate – Janet C. Bowstead).

My most recent research publications include both academic and policy/practitioner-focused publications:

More academic-focused:

  • Bowstead JC. 2015. Forced migration in the United Kingdom: women’s journeys to escape domestic violence. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 40: 307–320 DOI: 10.1111/tran.12085
  • Bowstead JC. 2016. Women on the move: theorising the geographies of domestic violence journeys in England. Gender, Place and Culture 24:1 108-121
  • Bowstead JC. 2017. Segmented journeys, fragmented lives: Women’s forced migration to escape domestic violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence 1: 43–58 DOI: 10.1332/239868017X14912933953340
  • Bowstead JC. 2019. Spaces of safety and more-than-safety in women’s refuges in England. Gender, Place and Culture 26:1 75-90
  • Bowstead JC. 2019. Safe Spaces of refuge, shelter and contact: Introduction. Gender, Place and Culture 26:1 52-58
  • Bowstead JC. 2020. The Role of Means of Transport in Women’s Mobility to Escape from Domestic Violence in England and Wales.” Mobilities 15:4 559-574 doi:10.1080/17450101.2020.1750289
  • Bowstead, Janet C. 2021. “There Is Always a Way Out! Images of Place and Identity for Women Escaping Domestic Violence.” In Representing Place and Territorial Identities in Europe: Discourses, Images, and Practices, edited by TizianaBanini and Oana-Ramona Ilovan, 191–202. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Barry, K., Southern, J., Baxter, T., Blondin, S., Booker, C., Bowstead, J.C., Butler, C., Dillon, R., Ferguson, N., Filipska, G., Hieslmair, M., Hunt, L., Ianchenko, A., Johnson, P., Keane, J., Koszolko, M.K., Qualmann, C., Rumsby, C., Sales Oliveira, C., Schleser, M., Sodero, S., Soliz, A., Wilson, L.A., Wood, H., Zinganel, M., 2022. An agenda for creative practice in the new mobilities paradigm. Mobilities.

More policy-focused:

I have also provided evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence [] and the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee on Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and “Honour”-Based Violence [ ]

The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) has used my research as a case study for geographical research having policy and practice impact. More details and a download here:

Earlier publications and media coverage:

I have been working and writing on women’s domestic violence journeys for many years.  My first academic research was an MA dissertation at the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit at London Metropolitan University in 2008 which analysed journeys to a selection of women’s refuges in England:

  • Bowstead JC. 2008. The extent and implications of forced migration/relocation for women fleeing domestic violence. London Metropolitan University (unpublished MA dissertation), London.

A presentation given at the British Library from this research is available at:

An article in the journal Violence Against Women which includes this research is available at:

My PhD research analysed domestic violence journeys to access services across England and integrated mapping and statistical analysis with survey, interview and creative groupwork data:

  • Bowstead JC. 2013. The extent and implications of women’s forced migration journeys to escape domestic violence. London Metropolitan University (unpublished PhD thesis), London.

Interim theoretical concepts were published in an in-house journal:

Interim research findings were published in a briefing paper which received considerable media coverage locally, nationally and internationally.

Media coverage included interviews on BBC Radio (Leeds, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire), the front page article of The Independent newspaper in the UK, and online articles from the Netherlands, New York and Somaliland.

The Independent (11 April 2012):

Daily Mail (12 April 2012):

News Track India [India] (12 April 2012):

360 Magazine [Netherlands] (14 April 2012):

Togdheer News [Somaliland](April 2012 – no longer available online):

The New York Times [USA] (17 April 2012):

The Gulf Today [UAE] (18 April 2012):